Mafia Wars Loot a Shipment of Cue Balls

Presenting the Cue Balls Mafia Wars limited time loot!

Cue Balls
Attack: 19 Def: 16

Cue Balls are a Limited Time Loot a Shipment item in MafiaWars.
Get them ASAP!
Click on LOOT A SHIPMENT on your MafiaWars Homepage to get this loot.
The more friends who help you loot, the more CUE BALLS you get!

You asked your friends for help. More friends allow you to loot more items.


Anonymous said...

Hi, tried to do that. There is a message that my friends had helped me and asked for me to collect my take but I couldn't find any button to collect the cue balls. Checked my inventory and confirmed that the cue balls are not in.
Any advice?

Unknown said...

same problem here.

Anonymous said...

same thing for me

Unknown said...

Yeah! Same thing for me. Maybe it's a bug in the game? I haven't tried searching if it is counted as another item but one thing is for sure it's not part of my inventory.

mafia wars loot

MafiaWars Master - 3rd party blog aims to help noobs in Facebook Mafia Wars.