Mafia Wars Crates: Sports Mystery Crates

Behold the Mafia Wars Sports Crates!
Take note before buying:
*Items inside these crates cannot be GIFTED.

One Crate = 12 Reward Points
Three Crates =35 Reward Points

What you can get:

60% chance for Common MafiaWars items
30% chance for Uncommon‎ MafiaWars loot
10% chance for Rare MafiaWars stuff

MafiaWars Weapons:
Hockey Stick (23-18) Common
Lacross Stick (18-19) Common
Cricket Bat (29-21) Uncommon

Best Weapon: Cricket Bat (29-21) Uncommon

Mafia Wars Armor:
Shin Guards (16-23) Common
Football Helmet (13-26) Uncommon
Chest Protector (22-36) Rare
Best Armor: Chest Protector (22-36) Rare

Mafia Wars Vehicles:
Stock Car (39-22) Rare
Football Cart (16-30) Uncommon
Best Vehicle: Stock Car (39-22) Rare

There you have it.
The Mafia Wars Sports Mystery Crates Loots List!
Our recommendation? Not Recommended
Better save up your GodFather Points for something better.


MafiaWars Master - 3rd party blog aims to help noobs in Facebook Mafia Wars.