Limited Edition Loot: Utility Belt

How to get the UTILITY BELT in Facebook MafiaWars?
Install their toolbar.

Click on the image which looks like this:

Then after installing, it will ask your browser to RESTART.
Click Yes.
Then to know if the deed has been done, wait for this message from Zynga.


The Godfather has given you this special Limited Edition item for installing the Mafia Wars toolbar!

Utility Belt
Attack: 30 Defense: 30

The Mafia Wars Toolbar for Mozilla Firefox
Thank you for downloading the Mafia Wars toolbar. You can now view your real time Health, Energy and Stamina any time you are browsing the web.

As we improve the toolbar, it will be automatically updated.
An added incentive is the MafiaWars GOT TOOLS Achievement

Earned by installing the Mafia Wars Toolbar

MafiaWars Master Tip: Just uninstall the toolbar after getting the item/loot.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

If you follow the recomendation and uninstall the toolbar after recieving the reward you will be unable to collect the 8-hourly boost from it.

MafiaWars Master - 3rd party blog aims to help noobs in Facebook Mafia Wars.